

About adminguru

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So far adminguru has created 19 blog entries.

Navigating Uncertainty

I know, it’s been a while. I’m still here, but you may be wondering where I’ve been. There are a few reasons for the long break. I’ll try and keep it brief… A lot has happened... and I had to let go. About a year ago - I was barely keeping it together with my business. But at the same time - I felt I'd arrived! I was where I'd always wanted to be - rocking some fab high-end clients and managing the back-end of all of their businesses. I was spinning plates like a machine and my income had [...]

4 Smart Habits for Productivity Peace of Mind

Managing my time from day to day is a constant work in progress. I certainly wouldn't call myself an expert at it. In fact - we all know that time doesn't really exist, so then what it comes down to is managing oneself. On my quest for learning how to manage time - or rather myself, I've done copious amounts of research on the subject. I've compiled data and made curated lists of time management and productivity tools, focus boosters, habit apps and more. In fact I've even made this topic part of a course I teach regularly at Camp [...]

So many books, so little time!

I finally have resumed reading books again! For quite a while I had a quiet concern every time I passed by my stacks of various books that I'd started - each with their bookmarks placed at varying degrees of completion. I was aware that this was most likely a sign of ‘my own personal times’. Lack of focus, allowing other activities to take precedent (not necessarily in order of importance), wanting to catch amazing TV periodically – not to mention all the other tasks that go with being a solorepreneur-single-mom and a woman who wants self-care/healthy lifestyle to be a [...]

My non-linear path to finding my ‘Thing’

Recently I was highlighted on a good friend and past coach - Alex Baisley's newsletter. I spoke about how important the value of building my business from lifestyle up has been for me. And how my lifestyle - for myself and my son - has been the compass all along the way on my path in entrepreneurship. And that it can take a few iterations to create it. As Alex says "We don't have to change our lives and work 100%. Every 10% improvement on lifestyle with each new move you make matters. A lot. It mattered HUGELY to Lisa. [...]

How to start your own Goal Group (a.k.a. Mastermind)

During this brief (aprox. 10 minute) video, I‘ll discuss how you can e­­­asily start and run your own Goals Group. I’ll talk about the who, the when, the where and the how in order to stay accountable to getting where you not only want to be, but also where you are meant to be.   Goal setting is something I actively started doing when I became an entrepreneur in 2009. I’d write goals down and put deadlines to them. Some goals got achieved; some did not. About 2 and a half years ago I decided I wanted to do more [...]

Reflection, Goal Setting & Planning Resources

A time to reflect. Whew - what a year. It's December already. Where did the time go? I was just thinking to myself about all that has transpired in 2015. Actually this time of year is always a favourite of mine in business. It's because I really love reflecting and then setting goals for myself in the new year to come. With reflection, there are always many more nuggets of goodness that get uncovered - more than what I initially think there will be. At first I pondered aloud 'I didn't really get much done in my biz', but upon [...]

5 Signs You Might Need An OBM

Here are 5 key signs that indicate you could probably use an OBM (Online Business Manager): • You're too busy to take on new opportunities • You're too busy to create more additional leverage and revenue streams • You're still doing the same things you did when you started your business. For example: updating your website, managing your shopping cart etc. • You have a great team in place - ie: VA (virtual assistant), website person • You are managing the team and projects Many of the above indicators imply that you are quite possibly working more yet - earning [...]

App Happy – Canva

I feel like I'm extremely late to this party. I have only very recently been introduced by a friend to the spectacular CANVA app! I really don't even need to write any sort of review about it - as it's just too awesome. It's so EASY to use - I'm like a kid in a candy store utilizing it! The only flaw I've found is that it can possibly steal away too much of the user's time simply because they are having way too much fun playing around in it! If you like DIY for your flyers, social media images, [...]

Excited to be an OBM in training

I'm now about half way through training to becoming an Online Business Manager! I shake my head when I think about how I got here, and wonder why the Universe had me follow such a long and convoluted path to get to this point. Well I guess I can answer that question myself: to learn all that I know now. But now that I'm here, I can't get over how RIGHT it feels. Back in 2009 when I inherently knew that it was time to jump the 3d animation and VFX industry ship, little did I know that the business [...]

‘App Happy’ – Trello review

Being a lover of tech, trying new apps is exciting and bring out the geek in me. Every once in a while I’ll introduce and review a new app that I’ve recently played around with. Recently I wrote a case study about a client who, I believe is fair to say, was overwhelmed. She called me to her house in late May and requested I document her 'brain dump'. Once her brain had been thoroughly dumped, I took my notes and brought them into a really fun and user-friendly project management app: Trello. The client and I collaborated in Trello [...]

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