‘App Happy’ – Sanebox review

Being the lover of tech that I am - apps are exciting and bring out the geek in me. Every once in a while, I'll introduce and review a new app that I've recently played around with. In early spring - buried under email, I decided to time myself over a couple of weeks with a 3rd party app that measures productive and wasteful time. My findings on the app's category 'email time spent' stats were pretty outrageous. The average person spends about ⅓ of their work hours reading email - with the majority being distractions (coupons, old newsletters, etc.) [...]

Managing Client Relationships

Lately I've been doing a lot of research and implementation of CRMs. A CRM is a 'Client Relationship Manager'; a database that contains email addresses, contact info and other pertinent info about customers. The initial setup takes a bit of organizing and time, but once established, the benefits are enormous. With a CRM, one can keep track of recent communications and sales, contact info, as well as personal bits of info like date of birth or even custom criteria as specific as an astrological sign. There are a plethora of CRMs out there currently; here are few of the top ones [...]

Getting the finances organized in 2014

Time and time again, I come across small business owners who are getting extremely stressed out due to letting their money paperwork get messy. And the worse it gets, the deeper and deeper they get and the more overwhelming the idea of organizing it all becomes. It's a vicious cycle, that when only some simple steps are implemented, things become a lot more manageable and the mess goes away! Some of these steps are extremely easy, yet many owners have not taken the time to put in place. The great news is -- is that it's never too late. Check [...]

The Conference with a Conscience

I was so excited when I stumbled upon some news of the SociaLight Conference while doing research one day last spring. I believe Tim Ferris was talking about it on something I'd read - and I love him, so I thought - it must be good. Then when I learned what it was all about - I said 'this is for ME'! I subscribed to their newsletter and as the date got closer, and they sent me a promo code, I decided to bite the bullet and spend the money, look for a sitter for my son for the weekend, [...]

The plan is complete!

Whew -- it's done! This was a super experience in doing a business plan. The 'Right Brain Business Plan' eight week e-course was not boring or tedious -- it was CREATIVE and FUN. It helped me pinpoint the actions required to move forward and aided in me finding clarity and direction. It got 'the wheels turning' and generated excitement for my business and it's future. I think because I'd already done a lot of ground work before doing the plan, that it was probably beneficial to my completing it. My website had already recently launched, I was wholly clear on my [...]

Envisioning the future…

As much as I understand the importance of staying in the present and the peace it brings, I also know how goal setting and making plans is integral to the success and growth of my business. As I mentioned in my previous post, one of things the biz plan e-course required me to do was create a vision board. I've made them in the past, and quite impressively, most of the visions or dreams usually come true in one form or another. For this most recent one, I envisioned my home office regularly beautified with floral arrangements (see vision board image [...]

Vision Boarding My Business

This week was Week #1 of my 8-week business plan e-course. The Right Brain Business Plan is SO me. Our first exercise was a guided meditation envisioning our work space, where we felt most energized or empowered and how we saw ourselves 'doing our thing' both in business and personal life. Then we were to journal some of our findings immediately afterwards. After that we were to go through magazines to 'Flip & Clip' in preparation for our vision board exercise. I was happy to hear of an on-line vision board site called 'VisionBoard.me'. It wasn't a fancy site, but [...]

Time to make a plan.

Well, I finally created a site dedicated to my Administrative Consulting business. After 2 years of helping small biz owners with their admin headaches, I feel its time to have a bit of a web presence. Creating this site has been a fantastic experience. I've learned a ton and it's reinforced my love of Wordpress. And now that the site is pretty much ready, it's time for me to write a business plan. Yep, at this point there is no real business plan for this business. It's probably good that I write one. I wrote one for my other business, [...]

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