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My non-linear path to finding my ‘Thing’

Recently I was highlighted on a good friend and past coach - Alex Baisley's newsletter. I spoke about how important the value of building my business from lifestyle up has been for me. And how my lifestyle - for myself and my son - has been the compass all along the way on my path in entrepreneurship. And that it can take a few iterations to create it. As Alex says "We don't have to change our lives and work 100%. Every 10% improvement on lifestyle with each new move you make matters. A lot. It mattered HUGELY to Lisa. [...]

Reflection, Goal Setting & Planning Resources

A time to reflect. Whew - what a year. It's December already. Where did the time go? I was just thinking to myself about all that has transpired in 2015. Actually this time of year is always a favourite of mine in business. It's because I really love reflecting and then setting goals for myself in the new year to come. With reflection, there are always many more nuggets of goodness that get uncovered - more than what I initially think there will be. At first I pondered aloud 'I didn't really get much done in my biz', but upon [...]

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